Stainless Steel 316 And 316L Graded By The AISI System
Stainless steel 316 and 316L graded by the AISI, is a steel alloy with chromium and sometimes nickel, that is highly resistant to corrosion and has a high quality appearance.
It has good structural strength, abrasion resistance, and superior resistance to oxidation. AISI approved stainless steel is considered more durable than other steels for use in food packaging, tools, machine parts, and medical equipment.
Yaoyi is a high-quality Stainless Steel 316 and Stainless Steel 316L supplier and export aisi 316 Stainless Steel the United States. As a high-quality supplier, Stainless Steel 316L has won the trust and support of thousands of metal cable ties and metal zip ties customers for fast delivery, extremely high-quality products and complete supporting products.
BEST 316 Stainless Steel Products in China
Yaoyi 316 Stainless Steel wholesales 316 stainless steel and aisi 316 stainless steel and is exported to all over the world, used in high corrosive and high quality working environment. If you are looking for a high-quality 316 stainless steel and aisi 316 stainless steel supplier, yaoyi stainless steel is your best partner.
Produce thickness 0.02mm~20mm cold rolled aisi 316 ss coil.
Produce HV:100~450 aisi 316L Stainless Steel Coil.
FAQ Difference between 316 and 316l Stainless Steel
What is AISI?
How to identify a stainless steel graded by the AISI?
What are the Applications of Aisi?
How good is Aisi?
Is Aisi Suitable For Outdoor Use?
Is Aisi Rustproof?
How Can I Tell If My Aisi is 316 or 316L?
316 Or 316L Aisi – Which is better?
Where are the numbers in the designation for SAE/AISI steel?
How is it that aisi and astm are different?
What is AISI?
Wondering what AISI is? AISI is a grading system for alloys and also stands for “American Iron and Steel Institute”.
The American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI) is a non-profit organization that represents the steel industry in public policy and is responsible for the research and use of new steel and steelmaking technologies.
The Yaoyi group has been a member of AISI for a long period of time now, our Stainless steel has gone through various research to achieve the best quality you can get in the market.
Our 316 and 316L stainless steels graded by the AISI have an added layer of resistance to atmospheric corrosion compared to other steel manufacturers.
You should also note that the Stainless steel 316 graded by the AISI has a high carbon content, making it more difficult to process, whereas Stainless steel 316L AISI approve has a low carbon content, making the stainless steel soft and weaker but easier to manufacture and weld.
AISI meaning is derived from the American Iron and Steel Institute is an organization of steel manufacturers in North America. The United States was established in 1855, and became one of the oldest unions in the world in its precursor organisations. In 1908, Elbert H. Gary, President of US Steel Corporation, was chaired by the American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI).
It was set up to address industrial needs, collecting, disseminating, conducting statistics and research, providing a platform to resolve questions and promoting its members’ interests, as a cooperative association from the iron and steel sector.
AISI Meaning: Society of Automotive Engineers American Iron & Steel Institute (AISI-SAE)
In 1941 a taxonomy of steel materials was created by the American Iron and Steel Institute, AISI and the Association of Car Engineers (SAE). Types, depending on the kind, are referred to as four or five-digit numbers.
The first digit denotes the type of steel being used.
Second, the second digit represents the percentile of the primary alloy. When there is no other alloy element present, this is what is meant by 0.
Third, the carbon content is discussed in further detail in the third and fourth illustrations.
For example, SAE1045 (CNS S45C) is carbon steel; SAE4140 is carbon steel with a carbon content of 0.40 CR-MO; SAE1045 (CNS S45C) is carbon steel with a carbon content of 0.40 CR-MO (same as JIS SCM440).
The AISI is one of the largest commercial organizations in the US, commonly known as the US Iron and Steel Institute. The AISI is the largest trade association in the US. The American Industrial Engineers Society (AISI) was established in 1855 and its form was taken into account in 1908.
Moreover, the American Iron and Steel Institute was founded for the iron and steel industries. Because both the iron and steel industries have certain information and research, as well as the construction of a platform for debating and resolving the iron and steel challenges, this is the case.
AISI Meaning: Coding System Origin
It wasn’t until the beginning of the 1940s that a coding system for distinguishing different steel grades was created. The designers, heat treaters, drafters, and engineers all provided specific information on the steel types and grades that were used in their work.
This means that steels can be classified for the most efficient categorisation in accordance with the standards established by the American Iron and Steel Institute (AISAI) and the Automotive Engineers Association (AeA). This coding method is famous (S.A.E.).
Alloy steels and carbon steels have been categorized for many years using a four-digit SAE/AISE index system labeled with specific steel grades. This technology is based on typical chemical compositions recognized as grades for alloy steels and carbon steels.
After AISI decided to stop developing material requirements, the relationship between grade designations and the AISI was rifted. The American Iron and Steel Institute decided to halt developing material specifications.
AISI Meaning: AISI Materials Classification
The SAE system, which is used to identify their chemical composition, uses a four-digit notation for the chemical composition of alloy stones and carbon stones. Since both the AISI and the SAE requirements give the same number of steel identifying codes, AISI grades may be cited as SAE grades.
The four-digit number based on the chemical structure of the steel or stone is generally assigned for AISI Steels and Carbon Stones. The first two digits of their AISI standard alloy element identification are utilized to determine the quantity of carbon present in the alloy with the next two digits.
Consequently, by referring to the schematic depiction of the steel designation system AISI/SAE the chemical composition of alloy steel and carbon steel is practical to understand.
AISI Meaning: AISI/SAE Steel Designation System Schematic Representation
A generic steel classification is the first digit of the AISI/SAE Steel designation code. This shows that in the category 1xxx, steels are carbon steels in line with SAE-AISI. They are split into four groups in order to account for the fact that several of the most important characteristics of carbon steels differ.
In addition, all of the carbon stains produced by the 10xx stones with a maximum of 1,00 percent Mn are represented in the 11xx range, and both the resulting carbohydrates and the rephosphorized carbohydrates are represented in the 12xx range, while the high-manganese (up to 1,65 percent ) carbohydrating stone is represented in the 15xx range throughout the 10xx range. These high manganese carbon steels are made without the addition of sulfur in order to increase the performance of the equipment.
The second number in the series thus indicates the existence of critical components that can affect the characteristics of steel. The zero 10XX range shows that no major secondary elements such as sulphur are present using 1018 steel as an example. Steel sulfur ensures an improved mechanical efficiency but does not completely remove all free processing agents, such as sulfur, feathers, calcium and other elements, from the ground.
AISI Meaning: Stainless Steel Requirements
Innovative steels are also included in the AISI spectrum of steel specifications. The stainless steels are supplied with the three digit numerals commencing in 2, 3, 4 or 5. Aesthetics with 300 ranges and a martensitic grade with 400 ranges are the normal specifications for stainless steel.
But, during steel making processes these free machining parts can not fully standardize and can also produce string, pockets and other defects that may impact various steel qualities.
The two last numbers indicate the concentration of 0.01 percent carbon.
An additional letter is sometimes put between the second and three numbers in coding groups such as 11L41, 12L14 or 50B40. Blue L shows that stainless steel machinability is enhanced (between 0.15 and 0.35 percent ). In letter B, an increase in the hardness of the steel has been shown by adding low carbon boron steels (between 0.0005 percent and 0.003 percent).
In addition, non-critical machines and structural components as steel bars are designated with a prefix M for the commercial quality steels utilized. The prefixed E alloy stones show that the steel has been made according to the necessary hardness criteria in the case of electric holder and suffix H.
AISI Meaning: The ASTM Standards in Categories
The standard specification is a type of goods. The standard test technique is a category which might address how the test is conducted in addition to the precision of the test results in the examinations carried out. While the standard practice shows the operational sequence, the standard guide of the American Society for Tests and Materials provides both information and options.
Both AISI and ASTM institutes participate in expansion and development of the market. In addition, the development of products that meet the demands of the community as a whole also covers both criteria. Both standards were therefore established and existed in order to better human life and are conscious of the connection between society, the environment and the economy.
For many years a four-digit AISI/SEA numerical index system has been labeled as particular carbon and alloy stones, indicating the grading by reference to traditional chemical compositions. As the United States Institute of Iron and Steel (AISI), the connection between AISI and grade designations has been cut off. This four-digit identification is only known as the SAE designations from the Strip Steel Manual of the Iron and Steel Society (ISS) in 1995.
Best AISI 321 stainless steel products are available- YAOYI Stainless Steel
How to identify a stainless steel graded by the AISI 316 Stainless Steel?
You can Identify the Stainless steel approved by the American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI) research facility by looking at the chemical content of the stainless steel.
AISI approved chemical composition for the stainless steel 304 and 316L should have:
Is 301 Stainless Steel Magnetic?
1. Internal Structure
The internal structure of Stainless steel 316 and 316L graded by the AISI is composed of Carbon, Manganese, Phosphorus, Sulfur, Silicon, Chromium, Nickel, Molybdenum, Nitrogen and Iron.
Yaoyi Stainless steel 316 and 316L is a molybdenum bearing austenitic stainless steel. The higher nickel and molybdenum content in this grade allows it to demonstrate better overall corrosion resistant properties.
The non-profit organization American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI) together with our experts had checked and verified our manufacturing plant to produce the best quality stainless steel you can get in the market.
2. Corrosion Resistance
AISI 316 and 316L is also called the “Marine Grade Stainless Steel” because of its excellent resistance to corrosion that involves acidic content from the salt water.
The corrosion resistance of Yaoyi stainless steel 316L that has been approved by the AISI has the superior high corrosion resistance because of its high molybdenum content compared to Stainless steel 316, also because of the low carbon content of 316L it is also easier for you to machine or weld the product compared to Stainless steel 316.
3. Chemical Composition
The chemical composition of the Stainless steel is the most important factor that you should look upon.
The chemical composition of the stainless steel will determine its durability, atmospheric resistance, High and low temperature resistance, ease of fabrication, aesthetic appeal and hygienic properties.
Yaoyi stainless steel manufacturing has been approved and recognized by the American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI) because of the extensive research made by our expert to manufacture an excellent stainless steel that has the superior properties to look upon compared to other Stainless steel manufacturing companies.
Is 301 Stainless Steel Magnetic?
Table of elements for AISI Stainless steel 316 and 316L.
Stainless Steel Cable Ties
4. Physical Properties
AISI stainless steel 316 has this recognizable resistance for pitting and crevice corrosion in chloride environments, while AISI Stainless steel 316L has a low carbon content that makes it immune to grain boundary carbide precipitation
AISI 316 and 316L Physical Properties:
(Note: AISI 316 and 316L have the same Physical properties when it comes to melting point, density, modulus of elasticity in tension and modulus of shear.)
Stainless Steel Chemical Composition
5. Mechanical Properties
The two types of steel are distinguished by their addition of more chromium, which increases corrosion resistance and hardness, respectively. In addition, 316 and 316L differ from each other in the amount of molybdenum added to the parent alloy, which has a significant impact on mechanical properties.
Mechanical Properties of AISI 316 and 316L.
6. Weldability
The AISI 316 and 316L of Yaoyi stainless steel manufacturing has an excellent weldability standard by all fusion methods, both with and without filler metals.
When doing a heavy welded section, you may require post weld-annealing, also Yaoyi Stainless steel manufacturing do not recommend the use of Oxyacetylene welding because based on our research, it is not found very effective when joining stainless steel 316 and 316L.
7. Workability
AISI stainless steel 316 is not just harder to machine but requires special tools to cut, the machinability rate of stainless steel 316 is 60.
You need slower speed and higher feed when working with stainless steel 316, one solution is using sharp tools and replacing the moment they wear down.
Compared to AISI 316, AISI 316L has an up to 0.03% carbon content only that makes it easier to work with, Stainless steel 316L are excellent to use when you want to avoid weld corrosion.
It also has a high melting point for up to 2,500 degrees fahrenheit or 1,370 degrees celsius.
Here at Yaoyi stainless steel manufacturing accepts any length and shape the way you want your stainless steel to be cut, just hit the contact us button to know more about our products.
What is Stainless Steel Strapping?
8. Heat Treatment
Heat treatment is used based on the stainless type and reason why they need to undergo heat treatment.
There are 4 heat treatment methods that you should know about.
Stress Relieving
Annealing And Hardening
Strengthening Corrosion Resistance And Ductility
Generate Hard Structures (tolerating abrasion and high mechanical stresses)
Heat treatment is usually executed under given measurements to avoid carburization, decarburization and scaling on the metal surface.
Always Provides You with the BEST Austenitic Stainless Steel Products
What are the Applications of Aisi 316 Stainless Steel?
Stainless steels are ideal materials for the various applications in which corrosion resistance, heat resistance, and high strength are required. Stainless steels are very stable and resistant to various corrosive chemicals and are widely used in the manufacturing of food and beverage cans, containers for pharmaceuticals, clothing, and in pipelines.
AISI 316 and 316L most common application:
Oil & petroleum refining equipment
Aerospace structures
Stainless steel base plates
Food processing equipment
Pulp and paper processing equipment
Soap and photographic handling equipment
Textile industry equipment
Pharmaceutical processing equipment
Everything You Need To Know:Stainless Steel Ties
How good is Aisi 316 Stainless Steel?
Yaoyi Stainless Steel Manufacturing has been a member of the American Iron and Steel Institute for many years now.
Being a member of the AISI group give us:
Access – access to many reliable researches about Stainless steel that provides top of the line products for the market.
Synergy – synergy that helps us communicate worldwide to overcome and improve our products.
Statistics – statistics or data that we can look at and based on when doing shipments, production, and reports from the Chief Economist.
Outreach – link to different steel companies for sponsorship opportunities and distribution of technical reports.
Committees – have access to the committees Manufacturing technology.
Information – have the best information from the media daily report regarding steel industry, legislative, and regulatory policy issues that involve the steel industry.
Advocacy – involvement in public policy and grassroot activities that support the importance of steel industry manufacturing.
Technology – have the advanced technology that can produce the best quality steel for you.
Engagement – we care about you, engagement with other steel manufacturing to discuss the future of the steel industry that can help us improve and adopt the demand of the market.
The Best Stainless Steel Tube Supplier in China
Is Aisi Suitable For Outdoor Use?
Stainless steel 316 and 316L approve by the AISI is most common use to Oil & petroleum refining equipment, Aerospace structures, Stainless steel base plates, Food processing equipment, Pulp and paper processing equipment, Soap and photographic handling equipment, Textile industry equipment, Architectural, and Pharmaceutical processing equipment
So to answer your question if AISI 316 and 316L is suitable for outdoor use?
YES, It is approved by the expert to use the AISI 316 and 316L for indoor and outdoor purposes.
Why do you need to buy YAOYI’s 316 stainless steel tube?
Is Aisi Rustproof?
AISI 316 and 316L has a high resistance to corrosion, therefore AISI 316 and 316L can not be considered as a rustproof steel.
Here at Yaoyi Stainless steel manufacturing with the help of the American Iron and Steel institute (AISI) had improved the Stainless steel 316 and 316L for it to have an excellent resistance to different types of atmospheric corrosion.
SUS 301 Stainless Steel: The Ultimate Guide
How Can I Tell If My Aisi is 316 or 316L?
You can tell the difference between AISI 316 and 316L based on their carbon content.
AISI stainless steel 316 has a high carbon content that makes it harder and kinda difficult to process and 316L has a low carbon content that makes it weak and soft but easy to work with.
You can also tell if your Stainless steel is 316 and 316L based on the sticker that the Yaoyi attached to the steel.
A Complete Guide to 316L Stainless steel
316 Or 316L Aisi – Which is better?
This will depend on what you are going to do or work with, bear in mind that 316 is kinda harder to process and work with because of the steel hardness and AISI 316L is kinda weak and soft but easy to work with .
AISI stainless steel 316 is recommended to pharmaceutical industry, chemical industry, pressure vessels, cistern and pipe ,medical equipment where non-surgical steel, marine equipment, etc.
AISI stainless steel 316L is recommended to Lifestyle/Consumer (decorations ,spectacle frames ,watches, other jewellery, functional elements in electronic housing and accessories) , Automotive industry, Aerospace industry, turbine industry, and many more.
Coilover Springs: Characteristics, Materials, and Applications
Where are the numbers in the designation for SAE/AISI steel?
Thankfully, it is possible to tell which type of steel is used by the numbers on the first two items: the first 10XX and the second 10XX. A carbon steel 10XX is what it is. A molybdenum-chrome steel is designated as 41XX steel. A 43XX nickel steel is a nickel steel that is derived from chrome molybdenum. There are thirty different catalogs of steels like this that have been designated.
Therefore, the amount of carbon present in the alloy in issue is depicted in the second and third numbers. As an example, a 1015 carbon steel has 15 percent carbon by weight. In most cases, it is far less than 1 percent, and it is referred to as “carbon points.” Because the carbon quantity is one percentage point, this is the case.
Furthermore, it is a 4130 alloy having 30 carbon points, or a 30% carbon concentration, that would be used to make chrome nickel steel.
Alternatively, the standard Classification is a category that provides a grouping of equivalent material, which is classified by product, material utilized in the production of the product, system and service or application. To conclude, the terminology standard is a category that provides the terms agreement as a service.
Uses of ASTM A240 Stainless Steel
How is it that aisi and astm are different?
In the late 1800s, the American Society of Testing and Materials (ASTM), the organization’s full name, was created. In contrast, ASTM has evolved into one of the world’s largest standard designers as opposed to the American Iron and Steel Institute (AISI), which primarily concentrates on steel and iron components. That means that not just iron and steel standards, but a wide range of other substances are included in the American Society for Testing and Materials.
As a result, the production procedures, testing techniques and chemical composition were standardized, as were other aspects. Organizations have been established, such as the International Standardization Organisation, the U.S. Iron and Steel Institute, and the U.S. Test and Material Society. The three companies in the field of different parts in manufacture, categorization and distribution of products are the most reliable and renowned.
The American Iron and Steel Institute seeks to influence public policy, as well as educate individuals and shape public opinion about the steel industry, in order to encourage the industry’s expansion. The US Iron & Steel Institute is also working to make steel manufacturing safer and more profitable, and it is doing so in partnership with other organizations.
AISI Meaning: Components
Today, components manufactured all over the world are used to assemble a wide range of systems in diverse applications. Metal parts imports and exports have continuously increased over the world.
And, worldwide, producers supply low costs, lead times and minimum order quantities on a daily basis. As imported and export constraints may be coupled easily, the ordering of these components from various countries or countries has become easier.
In addition to iron and steel components, the ASTM standard covers a wide range of components from a variety of industries. Products included nonferrous metals, petroleum and fossil fuel products, aromatics, nuclear and electrical and electronic products, textiles and rubber products, plastics, water and environmental technologies, solar and geothermal energy, as well as health-related services and equipment.
AISI Meaning: Final Thoughts
AISI is an organization that is in charge not only of developing product development standards, but also of producing components containing all the above stated ferrous and non-ferrous materials, including fittings and vessels, such as flanges, pipes and tubes, bars and rods, etc (among other things).
ASTM, in contrast to AISI, includes product services as part of its scope.
The fact that ASTM members are standard users in more than 100 countries, which distinguishes these two standards, is another point of differentiation. On the membership list are representatives from manufacturers, purchasers, and the governments of the countries in question. While participation in the American Society of Testing and Materials is entirely voluntary, the institute’s standards are frequently incorporated into various government legislation in the United States.
AISI Meaning: Yaoyis AISI Quality Assurance
The enterprise began in 1996. The property near and in front of Ningbo Airport is 50 acres of Ningbo Yaoyi Stainless Steel Co Ltd. Yaoyi. Over the years, the company mainly produces and sells stainless steel coils, tubes and sheets.
One type of Y1 non-magnetic high-pressure stainless steel and one type of Y6 hard magnetic stainless steel have been separately developed. Moreover, the SUS 201, 202, 301, 301Ni7, 304 and 316 are other products. More…
For years Yaoyi has maintained the industry’s leading quality. Because the cold rolling mill and the heat treatment procedure were enhanced technologically. Yaoyi produces high hardness and high-pressure spindles. We also specialize for various customers in bespoke materials.
The contacts with our clients, suppliers and staff are our strength. In addition, our quality management system guarantees our quality and service.
Everything you need to know about SUS SS304
Stainless steel is one of the most commonly used materials for many applications. It offers a very attractive advantage over the other materials such as aluminum.
One of the most important advantages of it is that stainless steel has high resistant to rust. That means, it’s easier to clean and has higher resistance to corrosion and environmental damages.
In addition to that, stainless steel is ideal for kitchen and bathroom uses , and has the added benefit that stainless steel is a naturally occurring element. Stainless steel is one of the most popular metals used in a wide variety of applications, and it’s easy to find stainless steel products in our daily lives.
Aisi stainless steel 316 and 316L are basically popular of the steel grades used by the industry. These grades are very important for every stainless steel fabrication process.
They also have a very important role in the mechanical and physical performances. Based on different applications, the Aisi grades have different characteristics, for example, the higher the grades are, the higher the corrosion resistance.
A Complete Guide to J1 Stainless Steel